Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cand este benefic ajutorul tau?

De multe ori, oamenii "fac binele" mai degraba ca sa fie laudati decat sa faca binele la timpul potrivit si la persoana potrivita /familia/grupul potrivit. A infaptui binele la momentul in care te confrunti cu o nevoie este pentru unii dintre noi mai de valoare decat a rezolva problema/nevoia respectiva pe termen lung.(Nu ma refer aici la situatii de criza cand cineva a suferit arsuri sau i-a ars casa sau are un accident grav sau necesita o interventie chirurgicala urgenta).
Adevarul este ca fiecare fapta buna este cantarita de Dumnezeul nostru in concordanta cu motivatia pe care o am in momentul savarsirii faptei bune, motiv pentru care am nevoie de un plan in trepte masurabile sau pasi masurabili pentru a putea scoate pe cineva dintr-o situatie de criza .De aceea trebuie sa ne examinam sau cercetam motivatia noastra: De ce infaptuiesc aceasta fapta buna? Este scopul meu sa-I aduc glorie lui Dumnezeu prin fapta mea buna?
Din experienta mea personala am inteles ca e foarte important sa intelegi cultura si nevoile reale ale comunitatii si la fel de important este sa intelegi situatia particulara cu care se confrunta un individ din comunitatea respectiva. Abia apoi, dupa ce ai inteles-o si ai primit calauzire de la Dumnezeu cum sa rezolvi problema/nevoia respectiva, actioneaza si fa binele. Nu te grabi sa rezolvi situatii de criza. Cere calauzire de la Dumnezeu de fiecare data , inainte de a decide ce sa faci sau cum sa faci. Fa-i pe cei cu care lucrezi constienti de dependenta ta de Dumnezeu. Lasa-i sa inteleaga ca si tu esti doar o simpla unealta in mana Lui Dumnezeu si ca tu nu esti Dumnezeu, ca sa-i rezolvi lui toate problemele.
Vei intalni situatii cand cineva te va ruga sa-l ajuti intr-o situatie delicata si urgenta. Oamenii in nevoie pot fi dispusi sa-ti dea cuvantul lor de onoare ca garantie ca nimeni nu va afla daca tu vei interveni imediat si vei rezolva situatia lor dificila.
Fii intelept si evita astfel de situatii, deoarece s-au dovedit a fi capcane cu care sa te aibe la mana.
Cand ai decis ca e oportun sa oferi ajutor, ofera-l doar dupa ce ai cladit deja o relatie de incredere si respect reciproc. Sa ai ca scop sa-i ajuti pe acei copii/indivizi/ grup de oameni care coopereaza cu tine in rezolvarea planului tau de interventie.Impreuna, faceti clar fierare pas pe care acestia trebuie sa-l faca pentru implinirea telului propus.Cei mai multi oameni, adultii asemeni copiilor, vor invata mai repede prin imitatie. Ei vor observa toate faptele noastre, toate reactiile noastre din situatii diferite si astfel vor intelege cum sa abordeze situatiile lor dificile punand in practica ceea ce au invatat de la noi. Ei vor simti daca noi ii slujim din dragoste pentru Dumnezeu sau dintr-un alt motiv. Fii ingrijorat daca esti iubit de ei doar pentru faptul ca le dai bunuri materiale.
Sa fii eficient in comunitatile de rromi inseamna mai mult decat a le asigura acestora bunuri materiale. Este o lucrare mareata a lui Dumnezeu, mai intai in mine si abia apoi prin mine in ei. De aceea haideti sa raspandim prin tot ceea ce suntem, facem, gandim”mireasma cunoasterii LUI si sa cautam sa facem tot ce putem mai bun ca sa ne prezentam pe noi insine inaintea lui Dumenzeu ca si fiind calificati, slujitori carora nu le este rusine si care impart corect Cuvantul Adevarului.”( 2 Timotei 2:15).
Alina Ivan

Friday, December 2, 2011

When is Help Helpful?

Often, people "do good" to be praised rather than doing good in the proper time and to the right person/family/group. Doing a good deed for someone at the very moment when I saw the problem is more valued than solving the long-term problem or responding to that person’s need today. (I'm not talking here about an emergency like somebody is burnt, or is his house in fire or had a critical accident, or needs surgery immediately . . ..)
The truth is that each good deed is weighed by our God acording to the motivation we have when we perform it, and we need a smart and gradual plan to help somebody to get out of a difficult situation. We need to examine our motivations: Why am I doing this good deed? Is it my goal to bring glory to God through it?
From my own experience I have found that it is very important to understand the culture and the real needs of the community as well as the particular situation a particular person is struggling with. Then, act only after you understand it and after you got guidance from God on how to deal with their situation.
Don't rush to solve a crisis situation. Ask guidance from God before everything you decide to do. Do not pose yourself as the one who can solve everything. Make the ones you work with aware of your own dependence on God. Let them understand that you are just a simple tool in His hands--and you are not God.
Situations may arise when someone will plead to get your help in a tender, urgent situation. People may even be willing to give you their own word, in that situation, that no one will find out about your support. This is like a trap or a net, so be wise and avoid it. When you do decide it is appropriate to offer help, do it only after you have already built a trustworthy and respectful relationship. Have a goal to reach which those children/people/group of people will cooperate in reaching. Together, make clear each step that needs to be taken to fulfill this target.
Most people, adults as well as children, learn the most from imitation. They will observe all our deeds, all our reactions to different situations and will understand how they can deal with their own hard situations by practicing what they learnt already from you or from me. They can feel if we are serving them because of our love for God or because of another reason. Be concern if you are loved by them just because you are giving them all kind of goods, or material support.
Being helpful in Romany communities is more than providing goods or material support. It is a great work of God, first in us and only then through us to them. Thence let us spread through everything that we are "the fragrance of knowing Him and to do our best to present ourselves to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Project Ruth--A Cord in the Net

The Ruth School in Bucharest, Romania, is part of the Providence Foundation. It is committed to giving education to the marginalized and disadvantaged, particularly for those coming from Roma (Gypsy) families in order to help them reach their highest potential. Through education, the Ruth School seeks to assist in the inclusion of Roma in society as well as their future educational endeavors (high school, vocational schools, etc.).
It all started in 1992, when the pastor of Providence Baptist Church was challenged to have his church do something for the Rroma children on the streets of the district around the church building. What began as a Sunday School program was extended to a day center and it soon evolved into a literacy class when it was realized that most of the children could neither read or write and had never been to school before. 
After a few years the literacy class was registered as a primary school and soon Fundatia Providenta provided the institutional form which now is the Ruth School.In 1994 the Ruth School was awarded accreditation by the Educational Department for grades 1-4 and for grades 5-8 in 1999. In 2010, the Ruth School received its final accreditation. Today, there are 175 students registered; 70% of the students who graduated from Ruth School continued their studies in a pre-university education or trade school program in Bucharest. So far, the Ruth School has educated and taken care of more than 2000 students.

Str. Lacul Bucura, nr 9-13 , sector 5,
Bucuresti 052464, Romania
Tel/Fax: +40 21 4510401
Website in Romanian, English, and German

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cords in the Net

From time to time, organizations and individuals involved in Romany Education will be introduced in a blog post. This is to increase knowledge of one another and facilitate sharing information, questions, and ideas. If you have suggestions for "Cords in the Net(work)," please let us know.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sa daruiesti sau nu daruri copiilor romi?

Din propria mea experienta cu copiii de etnie roma am invatat ca nu e bine sa mergi la acestia daruindu-le gratis tot felul de bunuri, deoarece creezi in ei o gandire nesanatoasa - “saracul de mine, eu nu pot sa fac nimic sa ies din situatia de saracie, doar tu poti si prin urmare, tu ai obligatia sa ma ajuti la nesfarsit”.
Daca doresti sa lucrezi cu copiii de etnie roma in cadrul unei scoli duminicale abordeaza-i pe copii prin tot felul de activitati sportive si distractive fara a le acorda dulciuri sau alte bunuri – cauta mai intai sa le castigi increderea, fa-i sa se simta importanti prin atentia pe care le-o acorzi, prin dragostea ta, respectul tau si nu prin bunuri materiale. Stiu ca se poate sa-ti fure chiar materialele pe care le folosesti pentru activitatile sportive sau jocurile distractive, de aceea te incurajez sa folosesti materiale din natura sau materiale confectionate manual.
Daca activitatile pe care le desfasori tine mai mult de o ora sau doua, poti sa le dai cate un sandwici sau snack,iar dupa ce s-a legat o relatie de prietenie si incredere poti sa-i rasplatesti pentru frecventa la grupa, pentru seriozitatea cu care abordeaza tot ceea ce-i inveti, pentru orice fapta buna, pentru respectul fata de tine si biserica (ma refer si la bunurile materiale utilizate in realizarea activitatilor tale) – intareste obiceiurile si deprinderile bune!
Vei intalni situatii cand vei fi rugat sa-i ajuti intr-o situatie delicata, urgenta si ei iti promit ca nimeni nu va afla, daca ii ajuti pe ei sau daca le dai lor anumite bunuri. Este o capcana, de aceea fii intelept si nu te lasa prins. Poti sa te limitezi la un numar restrans de persoane pe care sa le ajuti in mod direct abia dupa ce ai construit deja o relatie bazata pe incredere, respect reciproc, cand ai o tinta cu acestia si ei sunt dornici sa coopereze cu tine in atingerea scopului tau.
Pana atunci e bine sa nu sari sa rezolvi situatii urgente.
Nu crea nevoi nerealiste, nenecesare existentei prin darurile tale in mintea copiilor si nu crea imaginea unui har ieftin.
Ca sa se dezvolte armonios orice copil are nevoie de iubire, securitate, si interactiune cu toate elementele naturale( aer, soare,apa,pamant,plante, animale) – nu de jucarii scumpe; e adevarat ca aceasta te solicita pe tine mai mult dar el va deveni un om practic care va sti ce sa faca cu putinul de care are parte. E adevarat ca masmedia tocmai aceasta urmareste , sa trezeasca in noi nevoi de care de fapt nu avem nevoie, dar haideti sa nu fim promotori a ceea ce masmedia incearca sa faca din fiecare din noi-robii nevoilor egoiste, excentrice.
Cu mult drag
Alina Ivan

Is Giving Goods a Good Idea?

From my own experience with Roma kids I had learned that it is not good to approach them by giving them all kind of gifts; through this you risk to develop a wrong mentality in themselves: “The wretched, pitiable me – I cannot do anything to change my situation, therefore just you can help me and you must provide always everything I need.”
If you wish to work with Roma kids as part of the church, or school, approach them without offering them sweets or other goods. Start by playing all kind of sport activities or fun activities with them. Seek first to earn their trust. Make them to feel valuable through your attention, through your love, through your respect. Don't try to buy their trust through your goods.
I know sometimes there’s the risk that the articles you are using for these activities will “disappear.” Be smart and use natural material or cheap material, or something which you made of it. If your activities will be longer than two hours, feel free to give the children a sandwich or a snack.
Only after you have made them friends and they trust you, consider reinforcing all their good habits with a small reward. For example, depending on the child’s behavior, they might earn a toy or some clothes, or any toiletries article. Reward their seriousness toward all the activities, goods, tasks, other people. Reward their frequent attendance (not very often, but do it), and reward any good habit.
Do not create unrealistic, unnecessary needs through your gifts and do not create the image of a cheap grace. To develop harmoniously each child needs love, security and interaction with all the natural elements (air, sun, water, ground, plants, animals . . .). They do not need expensive toys. Spending time in nature will require more time from you, but on this way the child will become a practical person who will know what to do with the least of goods that he has got.
It is true that the mass-media is working hard to awake in us needs which we don’t in fact need, “needs” which enslave us and make us selfish and egocentric people. Let's not promote the mass-media goals by our work, but focus on sharing the love of Christ.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Inainte de a incepe o lucrare in randul romilor trebuie sa ai in minte ca acestia sunt creati de Dumnezeu, dupa chipul si asemanarea Lui, ca sunt iubiti de Dumnezeu cu aceeasi dragoste cu care suntem iubiti fiecare dintre noi si ca orice om crescut intr-un „mediu nesanatos” 1dezvolta obiceiuri si deprinderi condamnate de societatea in care traim.
Prin urmare copiii romi trebuiesc priviti ca fiind un dar al lui Dumnezeu pentru fiecare din noi, un dar care ne ajuta in primul rand sa ne cunoastem limitele si sa putem sa le depasim, fara a uita ca acest lucru e posibil doar in Numele lui Isus Cristos si prin Duhul Lui cel Sfant.
In acelasi timp trebuie sa stim care sunt particularitatile de varsta ale copiilor.
De exemplu pentru copiii mici 0-7 ani copiii invata totul prin imitatie, vin cu o deschidere si incredere orbeasca spre noi adultii si spre lumea inconjuratoare. Ei nu vor face decat ceea ce au vazut in jurul lor sau la televizor( daca acesta li “se serveste pe paine”).
Este foarte important pentru cei ce vor sa lucreze cu copiii romi sa fie oameni vrednici de imitat de catre acesti copii, astfel sa fie oameni care-si cunosc, cel putin in mica masura, limitele, care admit ca gresesc si daca o fac in fata copiilor sa aibe bunul simt sa-si ceara iertare, oameni care se bizuiesc pe Dumnezeul lui Avraam, Isaac si Iacov in tot ceea ce fac si nu doar pe abilitatile lor, oameni care sa ceara ajutor in rugaciune, oameni smeriti si intelepti in acelasi timp, oameni harnici si dornici de o dezvoltare proprie continuua ( nu oameni care se plafoneaza).
Voi incheia cu un verset biblic din cartea Proverbe 27:17
“ Dupa cum fierul ascute fierul, tot asa un om modeleaza, ascute alt om”.
Fie ca noi toti lucratorii lui Dumnezeu cu romii sa-i putem privi pe romi ca “pile” ce sunt menite sa ne ascuta taisurile noastre , pentru a deveni astfel o unealta mai delicata in mana Lui Adonai. Sa nu uitam ca in orice operatii este utilizat bisturiul.Daca vrem sa fim folositi de Adonai in situatii delicate, foarte critice pentru cei in nevoi, avem nevoie sa devenim unelte ale carui tais este foarte bine ascutit.

Working With Romany Children--What Does it Take?

What does it take to work with Romany children? Before starting any kind of work, whether you are Romany or not, you have to remember that all children are created by God in His own image, that all are loved by God with the same love that any of us are loved by Him. If the children you work with have bad habits, remember that any kind of person raised in an unhealthy environment will be affected by it.
Therefore the Roma children have to be seen as a gift from God for each of us who want to work with them, a gift which enables us to know our limits and a gift which gives us the possibility to overcome this limits, without forgetting that these are possible just through the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
In the same time it is very important to know the specific feature of different ages of children.
Children 0-7 years old learn from us adults by imitation. They come with “blind” confidence and very open to learning from us and from their own environment. They will act in accordance with everything they have seen us doing or they have seen in their own environment, or they have seen TV. It is very important for those working with Roma children to be worthy people of being imitable by those children.
Then it is good for this people to know at least in a very small measure their own limits, to admit that they can be wrong, and if it happens to be wrong in front of the children to have the courage to ask forgiveness, to be people which relay on God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in everything they are doing, people who are asking support in prayer, humble people and wise in the same time, diligent people and keen to increase/develop themselves continually (not people which limit themselves).
I will close with the Bible verse from Proverbs 27: 17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." May all the workers of God among Gypsies see their fellow workers as sharpeners and accept being sharpened by them to be a more delicate tool in God's hands. Do not forget that in the surgery is used a very sharp scalpel.