Wednesday, March 28, 2012


In association with evangelical church we started a preschool or kindergarten program in 2003 for Roma children 3-6 yrs of age. We have had several groups move on to regular school now, and we have seen that the kindergarten helped a lot of the Romany children in their further growth in the school and in the society. They receive good preparation so that they are not immediately discriminated against as “Roma who don’t know anything,” when they start at the local primary school.

About 20 children are attending every workday from 8:30am – 3.00pm. Two kindergarten teachers are working with them, and we also have a cook. We make an effort to provide them with nutrition meals, enough vitamins and child-friendly foods. Children are served breakfast, a warm midday meal, and snacks. In the realm of the entire program, careful consideration is given to following areas of children’s needs: health, social, educational, emotional and spiritual. They hear a Bible story every day, and we pray with them. We are grateful to be able to serve the Romany children.
The preschool/kindergarten is held in the Oaza Center in Jagodina, Serbia. The Oaza Center works in other ways with local Romany. Children attend the preschool/kindergarten for free. The program is funded by sponsors (30 Euro/month per child).

To learn more about this program, contact:
Roma Centre OAZA
Miki Kamberovic
Koste Abrasevic 18
35000 Jagodina - Serbia
Tel.00381 (035) 229 791

St. International Teams
te Ermelo
Giro 65646 m.v.v.
Roma Centrum OAZA

Friday, March 16, 2012

Preschool Cords in the Net

Rather than start a school, some focus on improving Romany education by helping Romany children prepare for school. The next few posts will introduce several involved in preschools. What is their purpose? What curriculum do they use? What impact have they had on the Romany children who attend them? Do these children do measurably better in available education once they begin school?

Those involved in preschools are welcomed to respond!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Experts around the world have concluded that it is easiest and most effective for people of any age (children-adults) to learn to read in their mother tongue. Respected organizations such as UNESCO and SIL promote literacy programs in minority languages (like Romani). Such programs have been successfully initiated even where the minority language was not previously written. The educational system begins in the minority language. Once students have mastered the basic skills involved in reading (and writing), instruction in the national language is gradually phased in. At the end of such programs, students are equipped to successfully transition into opportunities for higher education in national language schools. We would be very interested in hearing from any of you who have used such an approach. For those who would like more information, provides and introduction and list of resources.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

FUNDAŢIA ProRroma România / STICHTING ProRomi Nederland

Fundaţia ProRroma din România colaborează strâns cu Stichting (fundaţia) ProRomi, cu sediul în Olanda, în scopul implementării educaţiei creştine pentru copiii romi. ProRroma are în supravegherea sa şcoli, grădiniţe, clase de meditaţii şi proiecte de ajutor umanitar. ProRomi se ocupă cu strângerea de fonduri, rugăciune, publicitate şi suport logistic. Până la ora actuală s-au înfiinţat patru şcoli: în satul de romi Hetea (jud. Covasna); în cartierul de romi din Tinca (jud. Bihor) şi în lagărul de romi Pata Rât din Cluj Napoca (jud. Cluj). După programul de şcoală se oferă gratuit meditaţii. De asemenea s-a înfiinţat un post medical şi s-a dat startul unui curs de alfabetizare. Prima instituţie de învăţământ din Tinca, la ora actuală grădiniţă plus primele clase de şcoală primară, a primit autorizaţie de funcţionare în învăţământ de la Stat, iar scopul principal este de a oferi învăţământ pentru toate cele opt clase ale învăţământului primar. Experienţa demonstrează faptul că elevii din toate aceste şcoli necesită mai mult timp şi atenţie pe parcursul procesului educaţional. Profesorii fundaţiei ProRroma sunt specializaţi în acest lucru. Informaţiile de pe site-ul fundaţiei ProRroma sunt publicate în trei limbi: română, engleză şi olandeză. Informaţiile de pe site-ul fundaţiei Stichting ProRomi sunt în limba olandeză, dar se poate face contact şi în limba engleză ori germană. Ambele website-uri conţin fotografii şi scurte filme documentar. Fundaţia ProRroma Strada Oaşului 347 400645 Cluj-Napoca Cluj, România Gavril Caba (preşedinte) +40(0)259-310370 Bert Looij (vice-preşedinte) +40(0)740-517425 Sjaak Monster (director) +40(0)724-770704 Stichting ProRomi Nederland (Olanda) Callistolaan 15 3318 JA Dordrecht Nederland / Olanda +31-(0)78-6559237 Sjaak Monster (director) +31(0)6-27566113

Friday, January 6, 2012

FUNDATIA ProRroma Romania / STICHTING ProRomi Nederland

Fundatia ProRroma in Romania works closely with the Stichting ProRomi, headquartered in the Netherlands, to establish Christian education for Roma children. ProRroma oversees schools, preschools, meditation classes and humanitarian work. ProRomi provides fundraising, prayer, publicity and logistical support. So far, four schools have been set up: in the Roma village Hetea, Covasna province; in the Roma section of Tinca, Bihor province, and the Roma camp Pata Rat in Cluj Napoca, Cluj province.

After-school tutoring is provided. A literacy course for adults and a medical post have also been started. The first school in Tinca, currently preschool + the first four years of primary school, has government approval to offer Kindergarten and the first four years. The ultimate goal is to provide all eight primary grades. Experience has shown that the children in all these schools need more time and attention during the educational process. The ProRroma teachers are specialized in this.

Information on the Fundatia ProRroma website is available in Romanian, Dutch, and English.
Information on the Stichting ProRomi website is in Dutch. However, contact can also be made in English and German. Photos and videos are available on both websites.

Fundatia ProRroma
Strada Oasului 347
400645 Cluj-Napoca
Cluj, Romania
Gavril Caba (president) +40-(0)259-310370
Bert Looij (vice-president) +40-(0)740-517425
Sjaak Monster (director) +40-(0)724-770704

Stichting ProRomi Nederland
Callistolaan 15
3318 JA Dordrecht
Sjaak Monster (director)+31-(0)6-27566113