Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cand este benefic ajutorul tau?

De multe ori, oamenii "fac binele" mai degraba ca sa fie laudati decat sa faca binele la timpul potrivit si la persoana potrivita /familia/grupul potrivit. A infaptui binele la momentul in care te confrunti cu o nevoie este pentru unii dintre noi mai de valoare decat a rezolva problema/nevoia respectiva pe termen lung.(Nu ma refer aici la situatii de criza cand cineva a suferit arsuri sau i-a ars casa sau are un accident grav sau necesita o interventie chirurgicala urgenta).
Adevarul este ca fiecare fapta buna este cantarita de Dumnezeul nostru in concordanta cu motivatia pe care o am in momentul savarsirii faptei bune, motiv pentru care am nevoie de un plan in trepte masurabile sau pasi masurabili pentru a putea scoate pe cineva dintr-o situatie de criza .De aceea trebuie sa ne examinam sau cercetam motivatia noastra: De ce infaptuiesc aceasta fapta buna? Este scopul meu sa-I aduc glorie lui Dumnezeu prin fapta mea buna?
Din experienta mea personala am inteles ca e foarte important sa intelegi cultura si nevoile reale ale comunitatii si la fel de important este sa intelegi situatia particulara cu care se confrunta un individ din comunitatea respectiva. Abia apoi, dupa ce ai inteles-o si ai primit calauzire de la Dumnezeu cum sa rezolvi problema/nevoia respectiva, actioneaza si fa binele. Nu te grabi sa rezolvi situatii de criza. Cere calauzire de la Dumnezeu de fiecare data , inainte de a decide ce sa faci sau cum sa faci. Fa-i pe cei cu care lucrezi constienti de dependenta ta de Dumnezeu. Lasa-i sa inteleaga ca si tu esti doar o simpla unealta in mana Lui Dumnezeu si ca tu nu esti Dumnezeu, ca sa-i rezolvi lui toate problemele.
Vei intalni situatii cand cineva te va ruga sa-l ajuti intr-o situatie delicata si urgenta. Oamenii in nevoie pot fi dispusi sa-ti dea cuvantul lor de onoare ca garantie ca nimeni nu va afla daca tu vei interveni imediat si vei rezolva situatia lor dificila.
Fii intelept si evita astfel de situatii, deoarece s-au dovedit a fi capcane cu care sa te aibe la mana.
Cand ai decis ca e oportun sa oferi ajutor, ofera-l doar dupa ce ai cladit deja o relatie de incredere si respect reciproc. Sa ai ca scop sa-i ajuti pe acei copii/indivizi/ grup de oameni care coopereaza cu tine in rezolvarea planului tau de interventie.Impreuna, faceti clar fierare pas pe care acestia trebuie sa-l faca pentru implinirea telului propus.Cei mai multi oameni, adultii asemeni copiilor, vor invata mai repede prin imitatie. Ei vor observa toate faptele noastre, toate reactiile noastre din situatii diferite si astfel vor intelege cum sa abordeze situatiile lor dificile punand in practica ceea ce au invatat de la noi. Ei vor simti daca noi ii slujim din dragoste pentru Dumnezeu sau dintr-un alt motiv. Fii ingrijorat daca esti iubit de ei doar pentru faptul ca le dai bunuri materiale.
Sa fii eficient in comunitatile de rromi inseamna mai mult decat a le asigura acestora bunuri materiale. Este o lucrare mareata a lui Dumnezeu, mai intai in mine si abia apoi prin mine in ei. De aceea haideti sa raspandim prin tot ceea ce suntem, facem, gandim”mireasma cunoasterii LUI si sa cautam sa facem tot ce putem mai bun ca sa ne prezentam pe noi insine inaintea lui Dumenzeu ca si fiind calificati, slujitori carora nu le este rusine si care impart corect Cuvantul Adevarului.”( 2 Timotei 2:15).
Alina Ivan

Friday, December 2, 2011

When is Help Helpful?

Often, people "do good" to be praised rather than doing good in the proper time and to the right person/family/group. Doing a good deed for someone at the very moment when I saw the problem is more valued than solving the long-term problem or responding to that person’s need today. (I'm not talking here about an emergency like somebody is burnt, or is his house in fire or had a critical accident, or needs surgery immediately . . ..)
The truth is that each good deed is weighed by our God acording to the motivation we have when we perform it, and we need a smart and gradual plan to help somebody to get out of a difficult situation. We need to examine our motivations: Why am I doing this good deed? Is it my goal to bring glory to God through it?
From my own experience I have found that it is very important to understand the culture and the real needs of the community as well as the particular situation a particular person is struggling with. Then, act only after you understand it and after you got guidance from God on how to deal with their situation.
Don't rush to solve a crisis situation. Ask guidance from God before everything you decide to do. Do not pose yourself as the one who can solve everything. Make the ones you work with aware of your own dependence on God. Let them understand that you are just a simple tool in His hands--and you are not God.
Situations may arise when someone will plead to get your help in a tender, urgent situation. People may even be willing to give you their own word, in that situation, that no one will find out about your support. This is like a trap or a net, so be wise and avoid it. When you do decide it is appropriate to offer help, do it only after you have already built a trustworthy and respectful relationship. Have a goal to reach which those children/people/group of people will cooperate in reaching. Together, make clear each step that needs to be taken to fulfill this target.
Most people, adults as well as children, learn the most from imitation. They will observe all our deeds, all our reactions to different situations and will understand how they can deal with their own hard situations by practicing what they learnt already from you or from me. They can feel if we are serving them because of our love for God or because of another reason. Be concern if you are loved by them just because you are giving them all kind of goods, or material support.
Being helpful in Romany communities is more than providing goods or material support. It is a great work of God, first in us and only then through us to them. Thence let us spread through everything that we are "the fragrance of knowing Him and to do our best to present ourselves to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).