Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tim's in Town: A Tale of Two Towns

Hello friends,

It is wonderful to be able to write to you again. On our last communication, I shared about my trip to Tim’s town. Since then, we’ve been able to arrange for Tim to experience life in our town. This has been an opportunity for me to see my town through Tim’s eyes. We have had moments of great learning. Much ink will be spilt sharing these points with you. For this week, I will focus on an experience which happened at the beginning of our tour.

I had time to prepare an itinerary for our tour of the town. I was determined to make the most of each day. To my surprise and frustration, we hardly kept true to the schedule. We stayed longer than expected in most of the activities. We were always running late.

Our visit to the museum was amazing. We spent so much time speaking with the museum guide that we never even got to the library before it closed. My stress levels shot up with every second we went beyond the scheduled time. Amazingly, Tim did not seem too bothered by this “minor” issue. Tim seemed to enjoy the experiences more the longer we spent in each activity.

I remember Tim’s words at the end of the tour. He asked, “Why do you keep on chasing the clock?” He continued, “You will tire yourself before the clock strikes. The experience is worth the time spent.” Tim’s words have lingered in my mind since his visit. I had not thought about time and events that way before.

Until we read again,
