Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Oral Preference Learners & Print Preference Learners: A Handy Comparison

 This handout in Romanian and English is from a workshop given at the Rroma Workers Network Conference in Romania this past May. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022


New preschool for Roma children opened in Leskovac, Serbia

Great news from Serbia! A new preschool for Roma children has recently been opened in the town of Leskovac, amidst great joy of celebration. This preschool is an initiative of the Roma Community Church in Leskovac in partnership with two international organisations.

Teacher and students at the preschool

The preschool consists of two groups of eight students each and will be taught by a teacher and an assistant. The teaching will be done in two languages, Romani and Serbian. At the beginning the teaching will be in Romani while students are introduced to Serbian words. Towards the end of the school year, the teaching will be done mostly in Serbian.

Pastor Misha Bakic, who is part of this initiative, says:

“For years education among the Roma people has been one of the greatest issues among our people. One of the things that is blocking Roma children from being successful in school is the fact that we speak our native language at home, which is Romani. So when the kids are starting to go to school, which uses the Serbian language as the official language, the problem is Roma kids won’t understand the Serbian language and naturally will fall behind in comparison to other kids.

“This is why we had on our hearts for many years to start a preschool education for Roma kids in which there will be a teacher who’s going to teach the kids the Serbian language, Bible lessons, hygiene, culture, good behaviour, and is going to help the kids to be able to follow the lessons and be good students.

“This is going to be a place of blessing, a place of education, and a place of the Bible. Lots of joy, lots of toys, and praises be to the Lord!”