Tuesday, November 27, 2018

'Multilingual education; Creating Equal chances for everyone.'

OSCE: the Organization for Security and Cooperation, appointed a High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) in 1992. OSCE is based in Vienna and includes 57 participating states from Europe, Central Asia and North America.
The first HCNM was Max van der Stoel. Among other things, he focused attention on minority education, in particular minority language education. He stated: "It is clear that education is an extremely important element for the preservation and the deepening of the identity of persons belonging to a national minority." In 'The Hague Recommendations regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities', further details are given about how to implement quality education for minority people. I have copied a few of these recommendations in the attachment.
On the website of the OSCE, an article is featured titled: 'Multilingual education; Creating Equal chances for everyone.'                                  


1) The right of persons belonging to national minorities to maintain their identity can only be fully realised if they acquire a proper knowledge of their mother tongue during the educational process. At the same time, persons belonging to national minorities have a responsibility to integrate into the wider national society through the acquisition of a proper knowledge of the State language.
8) In accordance with international law, persons belonging to national minorities, like others, have the right to establish and manage their own private educational institutions in conformity with domestic law. These institutions may include schools teaching in the minority language.

11) The first years of education are of pivotal importance in a child's development. Educational research suggests that the medium of teaching at pre-school and kindergarten levels should ideally be the child's language. Wherever possible, States should create conditions enabling parents to avail themselves of this option.
12) Research also indicates that in primary school, the curriculum should ideally be taught in the minority language. The minority language should be taught as a subject on a regular basis. The official State language should also be taught as a subject on a regular basis preferably by bilingual teachers who have a good understanding of the children's cultural and linguistic background. Towards the end of this period, a few practical or non-theoretical subjects should be taught through the medium of the State language. Wherever possible, States should create conditions enabling parents to avail themselves of this option.

by Marianne Fast

Intergenerational Learning—Roma literacy across Europe

An initiative for basic education of Roma is aimed at Roma adults and families (for intergenerational learning) in Europe. It consists of manuals in the different national languages of a number of countries, that will assist those who want to help Roma people learn to read and write. The use of the local language that Roma people speak is encouraged, although it is not clear how much practical help for that is actually given in the manual.
The presentation of the Romanian handbook/manual took place in Targu Mures.  https://ec.europa.eu/epale/en/blog/bera-basic-education-roma-adults
Marianne Fast

The Roma: A Storied People Write a New Chapter in Mission

Melody Wachsmuth has been living in Croatia since 2011 and was instrumental in helping to organize the “Roma to the Nations” Conference in 2014.

She wrote:
For those interested in reading about the possibilities, challenges, and the different ways God has been working among the Roma in Europe, browse through the new Mission Frontiers magazine that I had the privilege of guest editing. The title of the edition—The Roma: A Storied People Write a New Chapter in Mission— is significant in that it shows a movement of the Roma as objects in a story to the Roma as subjects writing their story. The fact that there are both Roma and non-Roma writers reflects this shift, and they are coming from a wide variety of perspectives and contexts.

It was good to read articles by several familiar people, like Miki Kamberović and Sasa Bakić from Serbia, Shane McNary (CBF in Slovakia), and Sharon Chan from Great Commission Centre International.
I enjoyed the article written by Gustav Puporka, who wrote ‘Identities and Cultures’. He identifies as: a Christian Hungarian with Roma origins. From his section on Education I copied the following: Many people think education will help the Roma to integrate into mainstream society. I don’t believe this is true—education without the gospel will not change hearts.
He also shared some good insights into how to minister to Roma people.

You can read the magazine at the following link:

Mission Frontiers is a bi-monthly magazine of Frontier Ventures. Mission Frontiers has been in circulation since 1979, providing subscribers with innovative insights on a wide range of topics from the most creative minds and well-known thought leaders in missiology.
It is the most widely read and cited publication of its kind, entirely focused on serving Bible-believing followers of Jesus Christ throughout the world to bring the gospel to every people and nation as found in Revelation 5:9 and 7:9.

See http://www.missionfrontiers.org/about/about-us for your free subscription or for reading more.

 written by Marianne Fast

Cum sa pastrezi disciplina in clasa:

1.       Mai intai, prezinta si fa clar copiilor regulile clasei:
·       La semnalul tau – suni dintr-un clopotel sau incepi sa intonezi un cantec sau incepi sa canti la un instrument muzical, toti copiii devin atenti la comanda ta.
·       Nimeni nu paraseste clasa fara permisiunea ta.
·       Daca vreun copil are nevoie de ajutor, indiferent de natura lui, trebuie sa vina la tine. (nu li se permite sa se lupte cu un alt coleg, care intentionat il supara/ sau nu li se permite sa ia lucruri cu forta  sau ranind pe altii).
·       Cand un copil doreste o carte sau o jucarie de la un alt copil, el/ea trebuie sa o ceara in mod politicos, iar daca este refuzat cere ajutorul liderului/profesorului.
·       Nu se duc jucarii sau obiecte ale clasei acasa, nu se distrug jucarii, alte materiale sau carti; daca se intampla, liderul clasei ajuta copilul care a distrus sa repare ceea ce s-a stricat sau cel putin explica acestuia consecintele distrugerii bunurilor si cum ii afecteaza aceasta pe ceilalti copii.
·       Informezi copiii ca exista in clasa un loc/ un scaun special, unde ajung doar copiii care nu asculta si nu vor sa colaboreze, in ciuda ca li se ofera sanse.
2.         Canta cat de mult poti si chiar canta comenzi pentru acei copii care sunt mai greu de stapanit.  Daca vreun copil ignora comanda cantata de tine, indrazneste sa te apropii de acel copil, atinge-l usor pe umar si canta-i aproape de ureche comanda dorita de tine; poti intampina situatii cand va trebui sa il iei pe acel copil indisciplinat, de mana, sa il ajuti sa se aseze, in timp ce continui sa canti comanda dorita de tine: „ Acum ne asezam cu totii...” David se aseaza de asemenea...”. De asemenea, pot fi copii atat de salbatici incat sa refuze oricare din comenzile tale,precum si variantele mentionate mai sus; in acea situatie este indicat sa scoti copilul din clasa si sa te asiguri ca acesta te priveste in ochi, in timp ce tu ii vorbesti: tu va trebui sa ii explici lui/ei, ca acum e timpul sa stea asezat sau orice alta comanda doresti tu sa fie executata.  Acum poti negocia cu acel copil – ii explici ca daca pe viitor doreste sa fie auzit de urechile tale si urechile lui trebuie sa auda comenzile tale si sa le execute, altfel nici el nu va fi auzit de tine si va trebui sa il lasi sa experimenteze cum este sa nu fie auzit; sau ii explici ca acei copii care refuza sa asculte vor trebui sa se aseze pe „scaunul numit de tine”unde ajung doar cei ce trebuie sa isi regandeasca faptele. (cand au o solutie la a-si imbunatati comportamentul sau isi cer iertare, li se permite sa paraseasca acel „numit scaun”).
3.       Daca observi ca intreaga clasa o ia razna, opreste orice activitate si joaca-te cu ei un joc dinamic sau pur si simplu anunta „ Vom lua o pauza acum si vom dansa cu totii pentru...( fii creativ si fa o conexiune cu activitatea ta), alege un cantec dinamic, ce permite copiilor sa sara si abia cand consideri ca a fost suficient ca sa-i poti aduce inapoi, intoarce-te la ctivitatea ta. Nu uita ca in calitate de lider, tu trebuie sa mentii pulsul normal al clasei.
4.       Fii rabdator cu copiii si acorda-le timp sa se familiarizeze cu regulile clasei, fii bun si plin de intelegere. Nu avea asteptari nerealiste! Invata sa te bucuri de firecare pas mic spre normalitate. Trezirea galeza din 1904-1905, a cauzat incetarea injuraturilor si vorbirii vulgare. Pana si caii minerilor nu au reactionat la comportamentul bland al stapanilor, deoarece au fost obisnuiti cu strigate si vorbire vulgara din partea acestora. Cei mai multi copii rromi nu sunt obisnuiti sa fie tratati cu respect, bunatate si dragoste.
5.       Imi amintesc ca, in calitate de invatatoare de scoala duminicala m-am confruntat cu lipsa de interes si cu lipsa de punctualitate la clasa; Astfel, am decis sa rasplatesc fiecare copil cu puncte pentru fiecare data cand au ajuns la timp, pentru consecventa si pentru realizarea temelor de casa.La sfarsitul a trei luni sau sfarsitul semestrului am deschis un „Magazin”, unde, cu punctele acumulate copiii puteau cumpara, in limita punctajului obtinut, oricare din articolele existente;copilul cu cel mai mare punctaj era primul cumparator. Consider ca a fost eficienta aceasta metoda de rasplatire in a -i determina pe copii sa isi doreasca sa ajunga la timp la clasa, sa vina regulat si sa isi faca temele. Am vazut un sistem asemanator la Casa Laleaua, in Tarnaveni, unde asistatii erau rasplatiti cu monezi special confectionate, pentru a-i motiva sa fie responsabili, consecventi,interesati si gata de efort in ceea ce priveste educatia lor.(tu poti alege acest sistem de rasplatire si aplica, ori de cate ori iti permiti – o data pe luna sau o data pe an).

How to keep discipline in your class:

1  . First, make clear to all the children, what are the rules of the class:
·       at your signal – you ring a bell, or you start singing or you play an instrument everyone must pay attention to you.
·       Nobody leaves the class without your permission.
·       If any child need help with anything, he/she must come to you. (They cannot fight with the classmate which annoyingly, bothers them or they can’t take something by hurting others).
·       When a child needs a toy or a book from another child, he/ she has to ask politely and if is refused, then the child comes and asks it from the teacher.
·       The children do not take anything home, they do not damage toys, tools or books, if that happens the teacher work together with the child to repair the damage or at least explain to the child how affects everyone his/her behaviour.
·       you let the children know that the class has a special place where disobedient children get to sit, if they refuse to cooperate, even they had received chances, before.
2.         Sing as much time and situation permit you and even sing out commands for certain children who are more difficult to manage. If a child will ignore your “sung command”, dare to approach him, touch him on his/her shoulder and sing very close to his/her ear; May be situations when you have to take by hand the child and help him/her to take a sit, while you are singing the command: “Now we, all, are sitting….” David is sitting too…” Some of the children may be so wild that they will not respond to any of the mentioned commands: in that case you take the child out and make sure the child is looking in your eyes; you explain to him/her that now is time to be sited or whatever you want them to do. Here you can negotiate with the child – if he/her wants to be heard by you, they must obey you, otherwise you will not hear them when they need you – you really have to let the child experience how it is to not be heard by you; or you explain that children which refuse to obey must take rest on the “named chair”, where they must think how to make it better.( when they have a solution or apologies, they are release from sitting on the named chair).
3.       When you see that your class is going wild, stop any activity and play a game that burns energy, or just tell the children “we will take a brake and now we all are dancing for …” (you can be creative and make a connection with your subject); Choose a song that allow children jump and just after you consider it was enough, go back to your activity. Do not forget that you, as a teacher, must keep the pulse of the class at the normal bit.
4.       Have patient with the children, allow them time to get used with the rules of the class, be kind and full of understanding. Do not set high expectations! Learn to rejoice over every small step towards normality. For example, the Welsh revival of 1904-05, brought profane swearing stopped. Because of that, even the miners’ horses were puzzled when their masters stopped cursing. Most of the rroma kids are not used to receive respect, kindness and love.
5.       I remember that as a Sunday school teacher I was facing lack of interest and punctuality at the class; then I decide to make a way to reward each child with points for being on time in the class, for attending the class consistently, for making his/her homework. At the end of three months or semester I opened a “Shop”, where with these points the children could buy, in the limit of their earned points, whatever they wanted from the existed articles; the child with the most points collected, opened the shop and he/she was the first customer. I consider it was an effective way to make the children longing to come at the class regularly and on time. I’ve seen similar system at Tulip house, in Tarnaveni, where students were rewarded with special coins for their responsibility, consistently, interest and effort in improving their education. (You can choose this rewarding system and do it as often you can afford – once in a month or once in a year).

Suggestions for running an After-School Program (ASP)

1. What is the goal of the ASP? Communicate this goal to all involved: leaders/teachers, local school personnel, parents/community, children, other NGO’s, churches.
2. Get to know the children attending the ASP by assessing the level of each child in their learning and development. Develop an assessment form with skills and knowledge needed for each level. Examples of forms can be found online or made in cooperation with the local school. An example of an assessment tool that can be used in Romania is being developed.
3. Divide the students into groups according to their learning/development level:  a group of children who can do their homework by themselves or with a little support and a group of children needing full support to do their homework.
4. Focus on arousing the curiosity and interest of each child for learning and exploring. (motivation) Learning should include having fun.
Ways to do this might be:
• Using Davar activities http://davar-education.eu/about-us/
• Exposing children to diverse stimuli, to use all senses.
• Talking with them after a common experience (Circle talk after a walk or a story or activity).
• Creating a library of books, where students can read, or just look at books, in their free time.
Possible activities to include in an ASP :
1. Teach and Model healthy routines 
• Develop and model a certain routine in the ASP during the whole year. For example: start each meeting with a song and a prayer; followed by a game. Then a short discussion about weather, day, month, season of the year, followed by (home)work time; if time allows have motor skills activity/ science activity and continue with free activities. End with prayer.
• Each semester, organize a Field Trip for a day or half a day.
• Serve community activities (for example, every first Wednesday of the month or any day it suits: clean the ditches of the village, the market or a public garden; help or visit poor/old people),
• Once a year offer them a week of holiday outside their village. (can be out in tents)
2. Teach and Model healthy hobbies
• Make sure the children can play outdoor games, which they can play after the end of your program. Organize competitions between them (play soccer, basketball, volley, badminton, table tennis, etc).
• Encourage them to collect small natural items that can be used later in craft activities, like sticks, seeds, roots, stones or bottle caps.
• Teach children how to play musical instruments, like drum, flute, guitar, keyboard or bells. The most motivated children can get the instrument as a present, while the others can use it, just during the class course (or the most motivated children can buy it, at the ASP store, see more at point 3).
• Pick different wild berries and mushrooms as a group activity and cook them together;
• Model and encourage creativity with cloth and yarn: provide yarn or pieces of clothing/cloth that they can use at home to knit or weave with.
• Teach how to make musical instruments with materials from nature and use them at a special feast. For instance, they can make their own blowing instruments (singing straws, water pipe trombone) or their own drum or spin drums with different metal bowls, immersed upside down in a container filled with water, or just by providing a metal container that will hit it with a wooden stick. A xylophone can be made with glasses or glass bottles filled with water at different levels.
3. Teach and Model how to handle money
• Let children earn ‘money’: use rewards with local printed money, to be used just inside your ASP.( make photocopies of the real banknotes on a single side, while the other side is blank and you stamp it with your Organization's stamp or church stamp. Reward children for punctuality, perseverance, progress, responsibility, diligence, creativity and any good work.
• Let children invest the local ‘money’ they receive from rewards: they can deposit it for a chosen period and in that way, they get a percentage more at the appointed time.
• At the end of each school semester open your own shop with products that the children can ‘buy’ with the local money. The one with the most money can be the first customer, and so on. Ideas for products: soap, food items, clothes etc.
4. Teach and model how to discipline themselves, to become punctual and responsible in school, at home and also at the ASP; by following the example of the ASP leaders.
5. Teach and model how to solve different life challenges
• For instance, teach how to use basic tools to develop skills: hammering a nail, cracking nuts with a hammer/stone or a nut cracker, cutting branches with a saw (as they grow in age), sewing on buttons, different ways of decorating by sewing,cooking bread, pies and basic local food, washing clothes,
• what number to call in an emergency (112 – for police, fire brigade or ambulance), where to go if they need social support (social department of the town hall or whatever is applicable).
6. Teach and model how to lose and keep going on through the outside sport games and indoor games played during the after-school program or during the extended activities of after-school program.
7. Teach and model how to live as a believer in God:
• Tell them stories and instructions from the word of God and explain what it means to be saved by the grace of God and belong to Him.
• Be an example of what you teach, for instance each time when you do something wrong, humble yourself and ask for forgiveness. Do not create a false image of a perfect believer; we are not perfect, but we are humble, and we can repent if we do something wrong.
• Mention as often as possible that God created us to be diligent and creative at the same time; it is good to rest and have fun, but life is tough, and we must like working and look for work. Children can work by studying at school and helping their families at home. For instance help with house cleaning, take care of younger siblings, doing errands like buying food, picking fruits or vegetables.
• We have to change the false image of life, that the media are trying hard to enslave us with and should remember that as believers, we do not belong to this world. We have to focus more on what God’s word says than on what this society and mass media are saying.

Propuneri pentru a derula un program “after-school” (PAS)

  1.   Care este scopul programului “after school” (PAS)?
Fa clar tuturor celor implicati , care este scopul programului after-school (PAS): lideri/invatatori, personalul scolii locale, parinti/comunitate, copii, alte organizatii neguvernamentale, biserici.
   2.   Cauta sa cunosti copiii care vor beneficia de programul after school prin evaluarea nivelului lor de invatare si dezvoltare intelectuala. Elaborați un formular de evaluare a abilităților și cunoștințelor necesare fiecarui nivel de varsta. Exemple de astfel de formulare, pot fi gasite online sau realizate in colaborare cu scoala locala. Un exemplu de astfel de instrument de evaluare este in curs de dezvoltare in Romania.
   3.   Grupeaza participantii dupa nivelul lor de învățare / dezvoltare: un grup de copii care pot sa isi rezolve temele singuri sau cu putin ajutor si un grup de copii care necesita asistenta deplina in realizarea temelor lor.
   4. Focalizați-vă sa cresteti curiozitatea și interesul fiecărui copil pentru învățare și explorare. (motivatia) Invatarea ar trebui sa fie placuta, distractiva. Modalitati in a realiza aceasta ar fi:
• Utilizarea activitatilor propuse de Davar  http://davar-education.eu/about-us/
• Expunerea copiilor la diversi stimuli, folosind toate simturile.
• Discuta cu copiii dupa fiecare experienta comuna (discutii in cerc dupa fiecare plimbare, sau povestire, sau o activitate anume).
• Creati o biblioteca, ce pune la dispozitia participantilor carti, care pot fi citite, sau cel putin rasfoite, in timpul lor liber.
Sugestii sau propuneri de activitati care ar putea fi incluse in programul de „after school”(PAS):
1.     Invatati-i sa isi formeze deprinderea de a avea rutine sanatoase
• Dezvoltati si mentineti  o rutina tip in cadrul PAS, de-a lungul intregului an. De exemplu: incepeti fiecare intrunire cu un cantec si cu o rugaciune; urmata apoi de un joc. Pe urma discutati pe scurt despre vremea, ziua, luna, anotimpul din acea zi si continuati cu efectuarea temelor de casa. Daca timpul va permite realizati activitati ce formeeaza deprinderi de viata/ activitati de cercetare, urmate apoi de activitati la libera alegere a copilului. Finalizati cu rugaciune comuna.
• In fiecare semestru, organizati o excursie de o zi sau jumatate de zi.
• Activitati de slujire a comunitatii (de exemplu, in fiecare miercuri a lunii sau oricare alta zi potrivita: curatati santurile satului, piata sau o gradina publica; ajutati sau vizitati oameni in varsta sau oameni saraci),
• O data pe an ofera-le o tabara de o saptamana, in afara satului lor de origine. (poate fi organizata in corturi)
2.     Invatati si formati deprinderea de a avea pasiuni sanatoase
• Asigurati copiilor un loc de joaca afara, unde acestia pot sa se joace, dupa terminarea activitatilor PAS, din ziua respectiva. Organizati competitii intre acestia (fotbal, baschet, volei, badminton, tenis de masa, etc).
• Incurajati-i sa colecteze diferite obiecte naturale, care pot fi utilizate ulterior in activitati de creatie, (diferiti samburi de fructe, pietre, cochilii de melci, diferite radacini sau bete, etc).
• Oferiti ore de cantat la instrument copiilor (tobe, flaut, chitara, claviatura sau clopotei). Cei mai constiinciosi pot primi cadou instrumentul, in timp ce ceilalti il pot folosi doar in timpul acordat studiului de cantat la acel instrument,  (sau cei mai constiinciosi il pot cumpara, la magazinul PAS, *vezi referinte la urmatorul punct, punctul 3).
• Colectati impreuna diferite fructe de padure si ciuperci si gatiti-le impreuna, ca activitate colectiva;
• Dezvoltati si incurajati creativitatea copiilor in a utiliza resturi de panza si diferite fire: asigurati diferite fire de lana, PNA, bumbac, etc sau resturi de materiale pe care copiii le pot utiliza acasa pentru diferite impletituri sau pentru a tricota cu ele.
• Invatati-i cum sa-si faca propriile instrumente muzicale cu materiale din natura sau materiale la indemana, iar apoi folositi-le la un eveniment special. De exemplu, ei pot confectiona propriile instrumente de suflat (paie de suflat, trombon dintr-un tub PVC) sau propriile tobe- tamburina (spin drums) sau tobe confectionate cu ajutorul diferitor vase metalice scufundate cu gura in jos intr-un vas cu apa, sau doar prin achizitionarea unei cutii metalice si a unui bat. Un xilofon poate fi realizat din pahare de sticla, care sunt umplute cu apa la diferite dimensiuni, in ordine crescatoare.
3.     Invatati si formati deprinderea de a administra corect banii
• Lasati copiii sa castige „bani”: folositi recompense cu bani confectionati local, ce pot fi utilizati doar in interiorul PAS (de exemplu xeroxati bani adevarati, dar doar o fata a bancnotelor, in vreme ce pe cealalta fata aplicati stampila asociatiei dumneavoastra sau a bisericii.  Recompensati copiii pentru punctualitate, perseverenta, progres, responsabilizare, harnicie, creativitate si orice alta lucrare buna.
• Dati-le posibilitatea sa isi investeasca „banii”, castigati ca recompensa, pentru munca lor: ei pot depozita acesti bani pentru o perioada determinata si prin urmare ei vor dobandi un procent in plus fata de suma investita.
• La sfarsitul fiecarui semestru scolar, deschide un magazin in cadrul PAS, unde produsele expuse pot fi „cumparate” cu „banii” locali, confectionati de voi. Participantul cu cei mai multi bani adunati, va fi primul client si pe urma, tot asa. Idei pentru produse: sapun, alimente haine, etc.
  4.   Invatati-i sa isi formeze deprinderea de a se autocontrola, de a se disciplina: prin a fi punctual si responsabil in tot ce implica scoala, familia si programul „after school” (PAS); fiti un exemplu demn de urmat pentru acesti copii.
  5.  Învățați-i sa isi formeze deprinderea de a rezolva diferite provocări ale vieții
• De exemplu, invatati-i cum sa foloseasca unelte de lucru astfel incat sa formeze deprinderi necesare in viata de zi cu zi: sa bata un cui, sa sparga nuci cu un ciocan, sa taie crengi cu un ferastrau (pe masura ce cresc, poti intrduce alte scule de lucru), coaserea unui nasture, diferite tehnici de a coase pentru a decora, gatirea unei paini, placinte sau orice alta mancare locala, cum sa spele haine, etc.
• la ce numar sa sune in caz de urgenta (112 – pt politie, pompieri sau ambulanta), unde sa mearga in caz de a fi sprijiniti din punct de vedere social ( asistentul social de la primarie ASC).
6. Invatati-i sa piarda si in ciuada acestor pierderi, sa mearga inainte, fara a da inapoi. Aceasta depridere poate fi formata prin jocurile sportive de exterior sau prin jocurile de interior, jucate in timpul programului PAS sau in timpul activitatilor din activitatile comune realizate in afara programului zilnic al PAS. (excursii, tabere, etc)
7. Invatati-i cum sa traiasca in calitate de credinciosi in Dzeu:
 • Spune-le istorisirile bibliei si explica-le ce inseamna sa fi salvat prin harul lui Dzeu, precum si ce inseamna sa apartii Lui.
 • Fii un exemplu a ceea ce ii inveti, de exemplu de fiecare data cand se intampla sa gresesti, smereste-te si cere iertare.Nu crea o imagine falsa, de credincios perfect; noi nu suntem perfecti, dar noi ne smerim si chiar ne pocaim, daca se intampla sa gresim.
• Mentioneaza  cat de des poti ca Dzeu ne-a creat sa fim harnici si creativi in acelasi timp; este important sa ne odihnim si sa ne distram , dar viata e grea si noi trebuie sa indragim munca si sa cautam sa muncim. Copiii pot munci prin a invata la scoala si prin a-si ajuta familia acasa. De exemplu, ei pot ajuta la pastrarea curateniei si ordinii in casa, pot ajuta sa ingrijeasca fratii mai mici sau prin a face scurte iesiri pentru a cumpara alimente, a culege fruce sau legume.
• Rolul nostru este sa schimbam imaginea falsa a vietii, imagine prin care mass media de azi incearca atat de mult sa ne inrobeasca si sa ne amintim ca , noi, ca si credinciosi in Dzeu, nu apartinem acestei lumi. Noi trebuie sa ne focalizam mai mult pe ceea ce spune cuvantul lui Dzeu, decat pe ceea ce spun societatea si mass media, azi.