Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Books on wheels

In a time when all mass media is hard to enslave us as long-time watchers of TV, computer games, or social media, in a time when Rroma parents are out of country for weeks or months, trying to provide the daily bread for their children, who will guide Rroma children?

Is there a chance to reach these children with the love for reading books?

A book can be a bridge between a child and the world he dreams about. A book can transport a child to different places. A book can introduce child to unknown places, unsearched territories, cultures and traditions. A book can be a bridge between today and the past, between today and the future.
 A book can comfort a lonely soul; a book can inspire; and, most importantly, a book can give hope and life.
    But how can books reach children in remote areas, where a colorful magazine is the most precious treasure they have?
    How can these children learn to be kind with the books?
We can be the legs of these bridges to reach the souls of lonely children. We can create a traveling library that brings books to these children.
 First, we can read them stories and show them how to treasure and handle a book.
Second, we let them read these books in small groups, while we are there.   We can encourage them to read.
Third, we can lend them these books for a limited period.
We can awaken in them the appetite for knowledge. We can encourage them to write their own   stories and create their own poems. 
We are looking to have more stories, poems, articles written in their mother tongue, preserving in this way their own culture.
We are looking to bring to them the book of life and teach these children who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Would you like to be part of it?
To have an idea, about what it would look like, we invite you to watch a retired teacher from Italy:

Questions, comments, suggestions, and reports of your own practical experiences are welcome!

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