Tuesday, July 2, 2024


People who work with children need to be flexible. Sometimes 30 children come; sometimes only 3.
Sometimes most of them are preschool-age; sometimes half of them are preteens. These suggestions are also flexible.

Four concrete words have been chosen from each Bible story. These words aid in remembering the story.

There are suggested activities to go with each of the 4 words. These Davar: Bridging to Literacy activities also practice school-related skills and help people of any age be more ready to read and write.

Each leader chooses how to tell the Bible story. Perhaps existing Bible lessons are used. Perhaps the leader has to make up their own Bible lessons. Every leader will change and choose from these suggestions for their own club.
Here is one example. Feel free to contact us for more information or more suggestions!

Esau and Jacob are born – Genesis 25:19-28

Nothing  - Rebecca had no baby, nothing happened (prayer)

Twins  -  Rebecca had twins, two babies (answer to prayer)

Different  - the boys were totally different, with different futures.

Tent - Jacob stayed home, in the tents and helped his mother.

Suggested activities:


v FUNdament 11 Missing/Gone. Give everyone a folded paper, some have a little sweet in it, others have nothing.

v Nothing, a bit, enough, much, too much. Explain the meaning of these words. Have each word written on a separate piece of paper. Put these at one end of the room. Also have smaller pieces of paper for everyone in the group with one of these words written on it. Hand the papers out, so that each person has one.
At a certain signal, everyone runs to the word on the floor that matches the word in their own piece of paper.

v Nothing, something. Use words for quantities in both school language and home language. Everyone can increase their vocabulary.

v Cook something together. Together, measure the right amount of ingredients. Or together feel/stir/taste and see if there is enough or too much.


v FUNdament 9 Two - activities

v Nice name? Parents choose names for their children. Discuss which names the group like. (This gives insight into the way the group thinks, and what they find important.)

v Have each person make a paper hat with one of their favorite names written on it. Talk about a letter in that name.

v Letter Game B8, variation 4. Everyone with an “A” in their name goes . . . (over by the window or stands by the red chair or . . . ). Everyone with a “J” in their name goes . . . .

Different and the same are words used in education, We need know these two ideas in order to do well in school. We play games to teach or practice both words in the school language and the home language.

v  Start Game B3 Mosaic, B5 Statues.  Are all the statues (or mosaics) the same?

v FUNdament 10 The Same.  Make it fun, choose one person to do everything DIFFERENT while the others do the same

v Draw differences. Everyone draws their own human figure. Then they draw another one which if very different than the first drawing.

v Do a “see the differences” worksheet (Example with 2 houses, available via link).


v Make a tent out of cloths or blankets. Eat a snack in the tent.
v Take turns acting out some task that is done in the house (cooking, washing, etc.) The rest of the group has to guess what is being acted out. 
v Connect the dots to draw a tent.




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